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        Why Truth

        Methodology for Truth: “Process” Consulting:
        According to TRUTH, management consulting is not a simple program supply nor a general exchange interaction, but a type of “process” consulting. For this, the entire consulting process becomes the “process-based” consulting. 

        TPT (a short form for Truth Processes Thinking) is actually a type of process consulting. It is a complete unique and effective management consulting method that TRUTH has gradually summarized and formed in the long-term consulting practice.

        It is a consulting program for which our management consulting experts successfully introduce a process of thinking and learning and allow customers to join in thinking, learning, and resolving before it is eventually formed with the full involvement acceptance of customers with full confidence. We will not merely supply a general consulting report to the customer, but contribute precious intangible knowledge and techniques to the customer.
        Our consulting services:
        Imparting ideologies, teaching methodologies, training brains, and providing programs
        Our Consulting pursuance:
        Never trying to make customers “do once for all’’, but to benefit for ever.
        Service Assurance System

        For its consulting services, TRUTH implements the 4-level quality service control system: 
        Level-1: Project Manager. All consulting programs must be discussed and passed by the project consulting team and verified by Project Manager. 

        Level-2: Chief Project Officer. Before submitting the consulting program to the customer, Project Manager must present it to his Chief Project Officer for review. 

        Level-3: Project Director and Senior Specialist Committee. Project Director is normally acted by a member of the company’s management, while the Senior Specialist Committee consists of senior consulting experts. Project Director is responsible to call for the Senior Special Committee to carry out further evaluation and approval on the consulting program submitted by Chief Project Officer. 
        Level-4: Consulting Expert Group. It is to provide timely guidance and advice during the entire consulting process.
        Truth’s Characteristics:
        Practical Performance
        We insist on being practical, trustful and reliable
        We insist on being loyal to customers and responsible for customers’ responsible and concerned persons
        Feasible Program
        We commit for non-model-based consulting program
        We commit for personalized and customized consulting program
        We commit for applicable, feasible foreseeing and innovative consulting program
        We implement 4-level quality service control system
        Sustained Service:
        We stress on the promotion and implementation of customer consulting program\
        We will carry out long-term follow-up and support for execution
        We will operate sincerely without subletting any work.
        We will become “permanent “management partner of customers
        We will accompany customers in growing and striving for long-term value.
        Process consulting
        We stress on tangible consulting achievements and more on delivery of intangible knowledge.
        We stress on the process of consulting without being limited only the consulting output.
        We are striving for customer’s permanent benefits instead of asking customer to do once for all.
        Truth’s Value to Customers: Super Value for Money”
        With the firm belief in the charm of “local culture” and the profound understand and unique views of local human cultural society and market economy environment, we make foreign things serve china and form an independent approach to provide local customers with feasible solutions.
        We carry out an overall and objective assessment and evaluation of the customer enterprise’s operation management status, analyze factors, discover possible solutions, and provide the customer and its management with a systematic, general and high-building cognition. We are not limited to the consulting items assigned by the customer.
        We re-structure the modern market consciousness and modern management of ideology of customer enterprise’s employees, elevate the understanding of upper-management, mid-level management and common employees on management reform and promote the vast employees to accept and participate independently in the enterprise’s management reform.
        We usually provide customer institutions, especially their upper-management, with management value-added service apart from the consulting services and try to become their bosom friends.
        Through us, customers will be able to integrate external intelligence and knowledge resources and other people’s experiences and practice resources so as to raise their management consciousness, management state and management standard and to avoid any detour, reduce risks and accelerate development share with customers the modern advanced management theory, management technology and management practice.
        ·Unique positioning & Outstanding Advantages.
        Integrate and develop the advantages of the superior positions of Renmin University in the fields of humane studies,social science ,finance and management. Establish our unique features and brand fame in consulting circle by our differentiating business pattern of Business Consultancy + Governmental Consultancy. 

        ·Find a Cultural Foothold with integrity of Sino & Western Cultures.
        Finding a Chinese cultural foothold , absorb the foreign cultural essences and therefore integrate Chinese and foreign management conceptions,consulting techniques and methods. 

        ·Database and Research. 
        TRUTH, with scholarly support of  Renmin University,Truth United Management Technology Development Center and Truth United Business Development Research Institute,is equipped with complete sets of database and materials involved in macro-economy,regional and industrial economies as well as consulting files of business and public institutions in China and abroad. 

        ·Outstanding Wisdoms and Quality Guarantee. 
        Our consulting team is composed of expert brainpower from national first-ranked universities and professional consultants graduating from domestic and foreign first-class universities and with rich experiences in management and consultancy.
        ·Great accumulation of Experiences and Capacity. 

        We are equipped with years of rich experiences in governmental and business consultancy with about a hundred successful consulting cases for large and mid-sized enterprises , governmental authorities and institutions.
        ·Process Thinking & Process Consulting.
        We have exclusively developed TRUTH Process Thinking, a consulting method fit for Chinese culture. The method indicates TRUTH’s continuing pursuit of practical resolutions and customers’ benefits in a life period.



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